SVE offers a diverse range of exclusive services, specializing in high-quality surface preparation, coating applications, and protective solutions tailored to meet industry standards and client needs.
Abrasive blasting
Our abrasive blasting removes contaminants like rust, paint, and grease, ensuring a smooth surface for coating.
Dust-Free Blasting
The SVE dust-free vacuum steel blast process ensures high productivity and wide coverage for large jobs without disrupting nearby activities.
Thermal Spray application
Thermal spraying uses heat based on the coating material's metallurgical properties and the specific spray process.
Glass flake epoxy coating
A high-build glass flake coating for steel structures in offshore, industrial, and marine environments, including tanks, pipelines, and bridges.
Brush / Roller painting
High-standard industrial coating application by brush/roller on steel structures, piping, supports, pressure vessels, machinery.
Power Tool Cleaning
Surface preparation with hand-held tools (e.g., needle guns, grinders, sanders) for cost-effective solutions where abrasive blasting isn't justified.
Trusted by forward-thinking spray industry teams around the world.